Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Diary of a Single Saved Woman

My heart is overwhelmed today and when I say today, I mean in this season of my life. It's almost like my whole life was arranged to get me right where I am...right now... Never have I been more happier, never have I been more content, more confident, at peace, in faith, possessing such clarity! Clarity of vision, clarity of desires, clarity of who I am, clarity of what I possess (my many assets...what I bring to the table), clarity of where I'm going. Don't get me wrong, I don't have all the details and I still have unfulfilled desires regarding finances and a husband but for the most part, I can truly say that despite of it, I remain full of joy. I've seen God answer so many prayers that I'm confident that He'll finish what He started in me. He has blessed me sooooo much! God knows I don't deserve half of what He's given me, talents, gifts, peace, protection, healing, deliverance, sanity....Thank God for grace, mercy and favor. For the first time in my life, I understand who I am, what I like, what I want possessing the desire and strength to pursue my hopes and dreams. What I want most is God, His presence, His will for my life. I simply trust Him. And yes I'm impatient a lot of times. My imagination is my gift and curse at times. I've spent the better half of my life pursuing Him, His presence and way, a mature understanding of His Word. I understand the power I have and learning to walk in humility and meekness (power under control). To much is given, much is required. I love who I am.....strengths and weaknesses in all. I've learned to understand my weaknesses, I've learned to run to God with everything, I mean everything. I love what God is doing in my life in this seasons. Something has got to be different about me, that I can rejoice in my weaknesses and struggles and genuinely praise and thank God for them...WOW. Oh my God, when the enemy tries to blow things out of proportion I run into the presence of God and that thing shrinks back to size. Tonight, I heard the Lord say regarding a concern I had "It's ok".OMG, I started to cry and I'm crying now because the moment He said it, it was indeed ok! Which meant, honey be yourself, and who ever don't like it oh well! Just another confirmation to what Bishop preached on this past Sunday. Shiloam, nothing missing, nothing lacking, but complete and whole in Him. What and who God has for me, It is. Lord, I praise you in advance and if I forget to tell you....I had a good time.

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